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Department of Civil Engineering
CIVL 1112 - Projects
set cell vertical height

Note: The links to information listed in the following will be activated as the course progresses.

Project Specifications - Report Guidelines

Project Presentations - Making Better Presentations


Project #1 - Water Filtration Project - Final Results

Click on the following highlighted topics to get additional information:


Project #2 - Reinforced Concrete Beam Design - Preliminary Results

Click on the following highlighted topics to get additional information:

For this project use the following concrete aggregate properties:

            Fine aggregate (concrete sand):
                        Fineness modulus = 2.7
                        Bulk specific gravity (SSD) 2.60;
                        Absorption capacity (AC) = 1.1%

            Coarse aggregate (⅜" maximum aggregate size):
                        Dry-rodded unit weight 96 lbs/ft3
                        Bulk specific gravity (OD) 2.65;
                        Absorption capacity (AC) = 0.5%


Project #3 - Detention Pond Design

Click on the following highlighted topics to get additional information:

Poster presentation information: poster presentation tips and guidelines.

Site elevation data: Site #1, Site #4, Site #5, and Site #6


Group Organization


This website was originally developed by Charles Camp for CIVL 1112.
This site is maintained by the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis.
Your comments and questions are welcomed.

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Department of Civil Engineering | 104 Engineering Science Bldg |Memphis, TN 38152 | Phone: 901/678-2746 | Fax: 901/678-3026 | Last updated: 04/15/2024