Listed below are several websites on developing and presenting scientific
Poster Guidelines: A poster is simply a static, visual
medium (usually of the paper and board variety) that you use to
communicate ideas and messages. The difference between poster
and oral presentations is that you should let your poster do
most of the 'talking'; that is, the material presented should convey
the essence of your message. However, that does not mean that you
can disappear to the pub or where ever you fancy. You have to
'stand-by-your-poster'! Your task as the presenter is to answer
questions and provide further details; to bask in praises or suffer
difficult questions; and to convince others that what you have done
is excellent and worthwhile.
Poster Presentations: Poster sessions are
frequently used as a means to convey information in a brief format in
classrooms, conferences and symposia, and workshops. Designing effective
poster presentations is an art unto itself. This guide provides resources
to make the process easier.
Advice on designing scientific posters:
A scientific poster is a large document that can
communicate your research at a scientific meeting, and is composed of a
short title, an introduction to your burning question, an overview of your
trendy experimental approach, your amazing results, some insightful
discussion of aforementioned results, a listing of previously published
articles that are important to your research, and some brief
acknowledgement of the tremendous assistance and financial support conned
from others—if all text is kept to a minimum, a person could fully read
your poster in under 10 minutes.
Design of
scientific posters: Posters are a special type of
presentation. When well designed, they are not simply journal papers
pasted onto boards. Nor are they mounted sets of presentation visuals.
Rather, posters, when effectively designed, are something in between. This
web page discusses the special situation that a scientist or engineer
faces when designing a poster and then suggests some guidelines to address
that situation.
Creating Effective Poster Presentations:
An effective poster is not just a standard research
paper stuck to a board. A poster uses a different, visual grammar.
Listed below are several scientific poster format with Microsoft PowerPoint
template that can
be downloaded to aid in the student poster presentation preparation.
This website was originally
developed by
Charles Camp for
This site is maintained by the
Department of Civil Engineering
at the University of Memphis.
Your comments and questions are welcomed.