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Department of Civil Engineering
CIVL 1101 - Interesting Information about Civil Engineering
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Top 10 Most Valuable College Degrees

6 Secretes for 1st year University students - Success requires personal responsibility for time management, meeting deadlines, following directions, being prepared for class, self-advocacy, and knowing where and when to ask for help.

Make the most of college -- I would like to address this as an open letter to students entering college: Congratulations! You are about to take one of the most important steps to securing a better future for yourself and your family. Here's what you need to know...

The Mindset of the Class of 2024 -- They were born in the aftermath of 9/11 and have entered college during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this year’s incoming group of first-year college students, going to college might even require staying home for remote classes; some may simply be taking a gap year.

How Can You Win the Test-Taking Game? -- A set of simple rule that can help you do better on tests.

Everything You Need to Know About How to Study -- A complete guide to how to study with lots of information on understanding your weaknesses and how to correct them. 

Civil Engineers Make a Difference

An Explanation of the Engineering Course Fee (pdf version)

Barry LePatner, author of the book “Too Big To Fall: America's Failing Infrastructure and The Way Forward” has a website called “Save Our Bridges” where he identifies nearly 8,000 bridges that have been deemed both “structurally deficient” (which means there are elements of the bridge that need to be monitored and/or repaired) and “fracture critical” (which means there is no redundancy in the structure if a member does fail). There’s only 1 bridge in the entire state of Tennessee and that’s the I-55 bridge over the Mississippi.


Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations - 2020 Report


Below are links to other sources of information about the practice of civil engineering.



This website was originally developed by Charles Camp for CIVL 1101.
This site is Maintained by the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis.
Your comments and questions are welcomed.

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Department of Civil Engineering| 104 Engineering Science Bldg. |Memphis, TN 38152 | Phone: 901/678-2746 | Fax: 901/678-3026 | Last updated: 11/12/2021