Class Schedule

The class schedule is somewhat a work in progress.
Therefore, I may update it periodically during the semester.

Week Date Day Lecture Topic Lecture Slides
1 1/21 T Introduction to Aggregate
Dealing with Significant Digits
Introduction to Aggregate.pdf
Dealing With Significant Digits.pdf
1/23 R Aggregate Gradation
Aggregate Sampling
Aggregate Gradation.pdf
Aggregate Sampling.pdf
2 1/28 T Relative Density and Absorption
Relative Density and Absorption.pdf
1/30 R Suitability Properties and Specifications Suitability Properties, Specifications.pdf
3 2/4 T Aggregate Blending
Bulk Density and Void Content
Introduction to Flexible and Rigid Pavements
Aggregate Blending.pdf
Bulk Density and Void Content.pdf
Introduction to Pavements
2/6 R Traffic Characterization for Pavement Design
Subgrade Characterization for Pavement Design
Traffic Characterization.pdf
Subgrade Characterization.pdf
4 2/11 T Thickness Design (1972 AASHTO Method) AASHTO Thickness Design.pdf
2/13 R Introduction to Cement Portland Cement.pdf
5 2/18 T EXAMINATION #1  (Aggregate & Pavements)
2/20 R Exam 1 Solutions
6 2/25 T Properties of Portland Cement Concrete Properties of PCC.pdf
2/27 R Basic Concrete Tests (Hardened Concrete) Basic Hardened Concrete Tests.pdf
7 3/3 T Basic Concrete Tests (Plastic Concrete)
Concrete Materials
Admixtures and SCMs
Basic Plastic Concrete Tests.pdf
Concrete Materials.pdf
Concrete Admixtures and SCMs.pdf
3/5 R Concrete Mix Design Basics Concrete Mix Design Basics.pdf
8 3/10 T Spring Break 
3/12 R Spring Break 
9 3/17 T Extended Spring Break  
3/19 R Extended Spring Break  
10 3/24 T ACI Concrete Mix Design ACI Mix Design.pdf
3/26 R Mixing, Placing, Curing, Finishing Concrete Mixing, Placing, and Curing Concrete.pdf
11 3/31 T Introduction to Asphalt Introduction to Asphalt.pdf
4/2 R Traditional Asphalt Cement Grading Asphalt Cement Grading.pdf
12 4/7 T EXAMINATION #2  (Cement & Concrete)
4/9 R Superpave Asphalt Cement Grading Superpave Asphalt Grading.pdf
13 4/14 T Asphalt Mix Volumetrics
Asphalt Aggregate Specifications
Asphalt Mix Volumetrics.pdf
Asphalt Aggregate Specifications.pdf
4/16 R Marshall Mix Design Marshall Mix Design.pdf
14 4/21 T Asphalt Production and Paving  Asphalt Production and Paving.pdf
4/23 R TBD
15 4/28 T TBD
4/30 R Study Day