Some Excel Functions

These are the principal spreadsheet functions used in this course. You can click on any function name or argument to view an example. This website is not intended as a replacement for your spreadsheet user's manual. Instead, it should simply serve as a supplement to your manual.

ABS( cell )
Absolute value of a single cell or numeric formula
AVEDEV( range )
Mean absolute deviation of a set of data
AVERAGE( range )
Simple arithmetic mean of a set of data
CHOOSE( index , action-1 , action-2 , ... )
Case statement. Index should be a positive integer. Action-X can be any legal Excel statement
CORREL( x-range , y-range )
Correlation coefficient between two variables. X-Y order is not important.
COUNT( range )
Number of numeric values in a set of data
COUNTA( range )
Number of non-blank values in a set of data
COVAR( x-range , y-range )
Covariance between two variables. X-Y order is not important.
DAVERAGE( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional arithmetic mean of the values in a specified column
DCOUNT( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional number of numeric values in a specified column
DCOUNTA( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional number of non-blank values in a specified column
DGET( table , column , criteria )
Database table conditional retrieval of a single value in a specified column
DMAX( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional maximum of the values in a specified column
DMIN( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional minimum of the values in a specified column
DSTDEV( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional sample standard deviation of the values in a specified column
DSTDEVP( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional population standard deviation of the values in a specified column
DSUM( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional sum of the values in a specified column
DVAR( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional sample variance of the values in a specified column
DVARP( table , column , criteria )
Database table computation of the conditional population variance of the values in a specified column
FV( rate , periods , amount , initial , type )
Future value of an annuity
HLOOKUP( key , table , row )
Horizontal table lookup
IF( test , true-action , false-action )
Logical test. True-False actions can be any legal Excel statement.
AND( test-1 , test-2 , ... )
Logical and. Result is true if all tests are true. It is false if any test is false.
OR( test-1 , test-2 , ... )
Logical or. Result is true if any test is true. It is false if all tests are false.
INT( cell )
Integer truncation (i.e., round down) of a single cell or numeric formula
INTERCEPT( y-range , x-range )
Intercept of linear regression equation for predicting Y
LARGE( range , k )
K-th largest value in a set of data
MAX( range )
Largest value in a set of data
MEDIAN( range )
Median of a set of data
MIN( range )
Smallest value in a set of data
MODE( range )
Mode of a set of data
Normal distribution probability associated with a given Z score (i.e., Table B)
NOW( )
Current time and date
PV( rate, periods, amount, initial, type )
Present value of an annuity
Randomly generated number between zero and one
RANK( value , range , order )
Rank (i.e., sequence order) of a given value in a set of data
ROUND( cell , digits )
Rounded value of a single cell or numeric formula
RSQ( x-range , y-range )
Coefficient of determination between two variables. X-Y order is not important.
SLOPE( y-range , x-range )
Slope of linear regression equation for predicting Y
SMALL( range , k )
K-th smallest value in a set of data
SQRT( cell )
Square root of a single cell or numeric formula
STANDARDIZE( x , mean , stdev )
Z score of X from a distribution with a given mean and standard deviation
STDEV( range )
Sample standard deviation of a set of data
STDEVP( range )
Population standard deviation of a set of data
SUM( range )
Sum of a set of data
Current date
VAR( range )
Sample variance of a set of data
VARP( range )
Population variance of a set of data
VLOOKUP( key , table , column )
Vertical table lookup

Additional Information

Getting Started WithExcel
Menu Bar
Button Bars
Cell Ranges
Relative & Absolute Addressing
Drag Copying
Function Wizard
Chart Wizard
Excel Example

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news.gif (1977 bytes) This website was originally developed by John Mote for his MIS 311F class. This site is now maintained by the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis. Your comments and questions are welcomed.