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Department of Civil Engineering
CIVL 1101 - Submission of work via the eCourseware
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You must use the following file name format for identifying your spreadsheets: assignment number followed by your last name. For example, if Pat Smith is submitting a spreadsheet for Assignment 2, the file should have the name: assignment_02_smith.xlsx

1) Log in to the eCourseware website at The log in page should look like this:

2) Enter your UUID and password and click on . The basic eCourseware page should look like this:

3) Select our course CIVL1101. When you do this, the page should look like this:

4) Next click on Dropbox and you should see the following page.

5) Select the assignment that you want to upload material; in this case Homework #2. You will get the following Submit Files - Homework #2 window.

6) To upload a file into the Homework #2 Dropbox, click on the bookmark and than click on button. The Upload page should look like this:

7) Click on and choose the directory and file name of your assignment and click . Remember to follow the format for naming your files (i.e. assignment_02_smith.xlsx).

8) Next you must submit your uploaded assignment file by clicking . If you are successful, the following window will appera.


If you have questions about how to upload your assignments via eCourseware, please contact Dr. Camp.

This website was originally developed by Charles Camp for CIVL 1101.
This site is Maintained by the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis.
Your comments and questions are welcomed.

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Department of Civil Engineering| 104 Engineering Science Bldg. |Memphis, TN 38152 | Phone: 901/678-2746 | Fax: 901/678-3026 | Last updated: 11/12/2021